The Intersection of
Life, Faith, Technology, & Science
The Personal Blog of Jack L. Wolfgang II
Note: Comments are currently disabled for this blog as it is in the process of being moved. Please bear with me as the moving process progresses. The new link for the blog will be posted when it is ready. However, guessing the new link shouldn't be too hard (neither is cheating with Google).
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Personal Update
I've been on an unannounced, unplanned, and unintentional blogging hiatus. As I last posted, I have resigned from First Christian Church of Cairo as its minister. I wish to thank everyone who has offered up prayers for this transition: on the blog: Faith Journey Robert; Rob "OrangeJack" Williams; a long time friend who I didn't know read this blog: JWM; Bill Hayes, a fellow clergy member; Andrew Careaga, author of E-Vangelism, which I have a copy of in a climate-controlled storage unit, and youth pastor in Missouri; John, a Presbyterian minister from Miami; and RG. In addition, Bill asked for prayers for me on his blog. In addition to these public outpourings of prayer, I have had private expressions of prayer, in e-mail and by phone. Thank you very much to you all for the prayers.
Bill stated that I seemed to be "moving on with life", and he's right. My wife and I view this transition as God's will. Although we worry about some details of the transition, we know that God "is working things together for good." We have moved our membership back to the church in Tallahassee where we were members before coming to Cairo. We received a warm welcome there. We've found an apartment, put down a deposit, and signed a lease. We can move in to the apartment in a couple weeks, and we've pre-positioned some items in the aforementioned storage unit. The Salvation Army came to help us reduce our treasures on earth, since the apartment is smaller than the parsonage. We're making good progress.
As for the cyberspace side of things, I've not established a new home in cyberspace yet. However, as Psalm 37 says, fret not. This blog will continue as an outlet for my views on Christianity, life, science, and technology. I'll let you know of it's new address.
We continue to covet your prayers as we transition back to Tallahassee and as we rest and recover from the wild ride that has been the past three years. It's been nice to have some time off, and if I have only learned one thing (which I have actually learned quite a bit in the past three years), it is pray for your church leadership: the ministers and the board. I would encourage you to read John Maxwell's Partners in Prayer. Thank you for your prayers and your support. May God bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you.
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By Anonymous, at 25 September, 2005 18:19:
Hey -- glad to hear from you. You and your family continue to be in our prayers.
By Andrew, at 28 September, 2005 12:46:
Keeping you and your family in my prayers and thoughts, Jack. As the song says, "peace like a river..."
By Jack, at 28 September, 2005 12:47:
Thank you, Bill and Andrew.
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