The bathroom is painted. While the results aren't perfect (there are drips in some locations), I am pleased with the results. The color is more yellow than it looked on the paint chip (more like a lemon pudding rather than the very pale yellow the paint chip showed, but it so much better than the blue, teal, and purple splotch wallpaper.

My wife is in the living room watching the football game. FSU is winning, and she is happy. She says FSU should beat the Miami Hurricanes as a symbolic gesture of how America will overcome Katrina.

Tomorrow, it's back to our normal jobs, so I know the sermon will be won't be posted tonight.

Although my blog never got added to TTLB's Katrina Blog Relief Weekend Database, I would encourage you to keep donating to IDES. The people in the strike zone (and beyond as they are evacuated) continue to need your help. Thank you.

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