You may have noticed from the post time of the previous post and this post, that I am not preaching this morning. One of my elders is preaching this morning, and I would like to hear him. However, I am home sick. It started yesterday with GI problems, and I have had a fever that got as high as 101.7°F. It's time to take the temperature again, and it is 98.5°F. However, I did have Tylenol before my 4 hour nap (quite unusual that it is actually Tylenol and not a store brand. I checked, and it's their new Extra Strength Rapid Release Gels.) I am quite liking the new Vicks Comfort-Flex Digital thermometer my wife and I bought because it reads quick and you don't have to shake it down. Very nice when you are taking your temperature a lot.

Be praying for me to get better. I think I am recuperating, but I really dislike being sick.
